HC Deb 05 July 1939 vol 349 c1302
Captain Strickland

On a point of Order. I wish to call your attention, Mr. Speaker, to the fact that for the second week in succession questions put down to the Minister of Transport have not been reached. This is due to the fact that 29 questions put to one Minister have taken 45 minutes, including the large number of supplementary questions at the end, owing to the particular form in which questions have been put. I would ask for your guidance whether it is not possible now to reconsider framing the order with regard to questions so that Members who are desirous of asking perfectly legitimate questions of Ministers should have the opportunity of doing so?

Mr. Assheton

Will you consider, Sir, reducing the number of questions which each Member may ask to one question per day?

Mr. Mander

Will you bear in mind, Mr. Speaker, the possibility of extending by half an hour the time available for questions?

Mr. Speaker

Without considering these drastic proposals, I should like once more to appeal to the good sense of the House.