HC Deb 27 February 1939 vol 344 c908
73. Sir John Mellor

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether the Royal Fine Art Commission have now approved designs for the proposed memorials in Trafalgar Square to the late Lord Jellicoe and the late Lord Beatty; and the estimated cost of the memorials?

Sir P. Sassoon

As regards the first part of his question, I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer which I gave to him on 21st November of last year. The estimated cost of both memorials is £10,170 each.

Sir J. Mellor

Has my right hon. Friend finally decided to ignore the advice of the Royal Fine Art Commission on this matter; and will he put models of the proposed memorials in the tea room for the information of hon. Members?

Sir P. Sassoon

I had an opportunity of telling the House in November that I did consult the Royal Fine Art Commission at various stages of the development of these memorials and benefited greatly from their advice. The plans which were shown to the House at the end of July met with the approval of the whole Board of Admiralty, they were widely shown throughout the Press of the country, and there was no criticism of any sort.

Sir J. Mellor

Is it not a fact that these plans had been rejected by the Royal Fine Art Commission?

Sir P. Sassoon

I would not say that; I would say that they were not altogether so sanguine as I was.

Mr. Anstruther-Gray

Have not the designs exhibited in the tea room met with very general satisfaction?