HC Deb 09 February 1939 vol 343 cc1098-9
15. Sir Smedley Crooke

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will consider the advisability of taking special steps to reduce the number of 12,798 disabled ex-service men registered at Employment Exchanges as unemployed who are considered fit for light work only; and whether special attention will be paid to the cases of the 11,192 disabled ex-service men who have been on the register for 12 months or more?

Mr. E. Brown

These are matters which receive my constant attention and I shall continue to take such steps as are possible, in co-operation with the King's Roll National Council which, as my hon. Friend knows, gives careful consideration to all such questions.

Mr. Lipson

Will my right hon. Friend consider making representations to the proprietors of multiple stores as to the possibility of some of these men being given employment by those stores?

Mr. Brown

I am sure that all possible opportunities are pursued not only by the exchanges themselves in carrying out their duties, but by the committee which keeps regularly in touch with the interests of the disabled men.

Viscountess Astor

Could not the Minister ask Messrs. Littlewood's, who get so much money out of the working people, to give these men some jobs?