HC Deb 12 December 1939 vol 355 cc1023-4
76. Mr. J. J. Davidson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the total number of children who have returned to Glasgow from evacuation areas; and how many are receiving full-time or part-time education?

The Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Colville)

According to an estimate made by Glasgow Corporation, 43,000 school children evacuated under the Government scheme have returned to Glasgow from receiving areas. There are 40,000 children in Glasgow presently receiving full-time or part-time education.

Mr. Davidson

What proportion of the 40,000 are receiving part-time education?

Mr. Colville

I cannot provide that figure.

77. Mr. Davidson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the total number of Glasgow school teachers now in evacuation areas; and the number now in Glasgow?

Mr. Colville

The total number of Glasgow school teachers now in reception areas is 1,750; the number now in Glasgow is 4,350.

78. Mr. Davidson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many Scottish local authorities have been consulted by his Department on the question of education during the past two months?

Mr. Colville

During the past two months, the Scottish Education Department have been in consultation with the two associations which are representative of all the education authorities in Scotland and are regularly consulted by the Department on questions of importance. The Department are in constant touch with individual education authorities through His Majesty's inspectors in charge of districts, who are always available for consultation; and their officers at headquarters in Edinburgh have had the advantage of discussion with members or officials of 20 authorities. Educational questions arising out of the evacuation scheme have also been the subject of consultation with the representatives of authorities on the advisory committee.

Mr. Davidson

When will full-time educational facilities be operating generally throughout Scotland?

Mr. Colville

I could not answer that question, but I hope as soon as possible.

Mr. Leonard

Will the right hon. Gentleman take steps through these consultations to obtain the release of two Glasgow teachers who have been occupied with two scholars each in Wigtonshire and, whose return to Glasgow is prevented by the attitude of the Wigtonshire Education Authority?

Mr. Colville

Perhaps the hon. Member will give me notice of that question.