HC Deb 05 December 1939 vol 355 cc439-40
47. Mr. Boothby

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can now make any statement regarding the settlement of claims against the blocked Czech assets?

59. Mr. Graham White

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what progress has been made in settling claims against the blocked Czech assets held in this country?

The Financial Secretary to the Treasury (Captain Crookshank)

I am not yet in a position to make any statement on this question, but the matter is under active consideration and my right hon. Friend will make a statement as soon as it is practicable to do so.

Mr. Boothby

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend aware that although the claims against these assets were lodged as long ago as April last, not one has yet been met; and in view of the difficulties and hardships involved to individuals, and to the banks, will he give an undertaking that the matter will be dealt with before the Christmas Recess?

Mr. White

Can the right hon. and gallant Gentleman not give some indication of the difficulties which are in the way?

Captain Crookshank

I do not think I could at the moment. It is because of the difficulties to which my hon. Friend has referred that the matter is under very active consideration.

Mr. Pethick-Lawrence

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman indicate to his right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer that this matter is long overdue and that a settlement is urgently required?

Captain Crookshank

Without accepting the words "long overdue," I will certainly report to my right hon. Friend the views expressed by hon. Members.