HC Deb 27 April 1939 vol 346 cc1289-90
18. Mr. Burke

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that the proportion of unemployed persons to insured workers in Burnley is over 20 per cent., and what plans he has in mind, either under Government schemes, or otherwise, for reducing the heavy unemployment in this town?

Mr. E. Brown

I regret that Burnley has not so far been able to take advantage of the financial facilities provided by the Government to attract new industries to areas of heavy unemployment. I can assure the hon. Member that, while I have every hope that the Government's policy for stimulating employment and reducing unemployment will make for general improvement, the particular position of Burnley as an area of heavy unemployment will not be lost sight of by my Department.

Mr. Burke

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that not a single factory has been put up in Lancashire, and does he not think it advisable that, instead of building new townships in the South, factories should be built in the North?

Mr. Brown

I can assure the hon. Member that he has had a sympathetic listener in the Minister.

Mr. Burke

Is it not time that the right hon. Gentleman's sympathy ceased and something practical was done?

Mr. Brown

A great deal has been done in many places.

Mr. Burke

Not in Burnley.

Mr. Brown

Let us hope that Burnley will come next.

19. Mr. Burke

asked the Minister of Labour how many operatives connected with the building trades were unemployed in Burnley on the last convenient date in March, 1939?

Mr. E. Brown

At 13th March, 1939, there were 451 insured persons, aged 14 to 64, in the building industry classification recorded as unemployed at the Burnley Employment Exchange.

Mr. Burke

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider building Government factories in this borough, or reconditioning some of the mills?

Mr. George Griffiths

Will the right hon. Gentleman not forget the Hemsworth Division also?

Mr. Brown

I shall not be allowed to do so.

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