HC Deb 04 April 1939 vol 345 c2609
36. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many industrial undertakings in Scotland have been offered assistance under Section 3 of the Special Areas (Amendment) Act, 1937, and what is the total sum paid out in this manner to the last convenient date; how many industrial undertakings in Scotland have been promised assistance by the Special Areas Reconstruction Association; and how much has been lent for this purpose to the last convenient date?

Mr. Colville

I am informed that the Commissioner for the Special Areas in Scotland has offered financial assistance amounting to £43,901 under Section 3 of the Special Areas (Amendment) Act, 1937, to 40 industrial undertakings and that the payments made amounted at the 31st March, 1939, to £588 17s. 8d. Up to the same date the Special Areas Reconstruction Association has agreed to lend a total amount of £237,500 to assist 46 undertakings in the Scottish Special Areas. The amount actually advanced by the association in Scotland is £181,250.

Mr. Gallacher

In view of the fact that the percentage of unemployment in Scotland is as large to-day as the percentage in England at the worse period of the crisis, is it not necessary that very much more should be done to help Scottish industry and relieve Scottish unemployment?

Mr. Colville

I cannot agree with the hon. Member's reference to the state of unemployment in Scotland, as, in point of fact, there has been an improvement. I am anxious to do all that I can in the direction indicated and the help which is being afforded in this way will be of considerable assistance.