HC Deb 17 November 1938 vol 341 cc1026-7
15. Mr. W. Joseph Stewart

asked the Minister of Labour the number of factories completed and the number of persons employed on the Team Valley, St. Helens, and Pallions Trading Estates, respectively?

Mr. E. Brown

On the Team Valley Trading Estate, 95 factories have been completed for industrial undertakings, 76 of which are in production. The number of persons employed in the factories is 1,603. The other sites mentioned in the question are not trading estates; the position with regard to these is: Pallion—One factory completed—169 persons employed; St. Helens Auckland—Two factories completed—282 persons employed.

Mr. Stewart

Can the right hon. Gentleman say approximately the number of persons it is anticipated will be placed in employment when these trading estates are completed?

Mr. Brown

I should not like to say, but I look forward to a period of about 10 years' time when the Team Valley Estate will be one of the romances of the North.

Sir Joseph Nall

How many of these factories have in fact been transferred from other districts which are now suffering from lack of employment?

Mr. Brown

I do not think in this case that is so, but if the hon. Member has any instance in mind, I shall be glad to look into it.

Mr. Kirkwood

Is it not the case that the Minister has received from various industries protests because they are being injured—particularly the hosiery industry?

Mr. Brown

Not in regard to these estates.

Miss Wilkinson

Comparing the literature which has been put out about the Team Valley Estate and the actual number of men employed, is it not one of the great romances of the North now?

Mr. Brown

There was a time when hon. Members attacked it violently, but I notice that they are not attacking it so violently as they used to do.

Mr. George Griffiths

Has not the Minister been romancing very successfully for three and a half years?

18. Mr. David Adams

asked the Minister of Labour the number of trading estates established in the Special Areas by the Government; and the number in course of preparation in England, Scotland, and Wales, respectively?

Mr. Brown

Three large trading estates, namely, those at the Team Valley, North Hillington and Treforest have been established in the Special Areas. In addition, the Commissioners have acquired a number of sites each suitable for one or more factories.

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