HC Deb 15 November 1938 vol 341 cc673-4
35. Mr. Johnston

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is now in a position to indicate the personnel of the reconstructed Herring Industry Board?

41. Captain McEwen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is yet in a position to make any statement with regard to the composition of the new Herring Industry Board?

Mr. Colville

The chairman of the new Board will be Mr. George Hogarth, at present chairman of the Fishery Board for Scotland. The other members, who will be part-time, will be Major-General Sir Evan Gibb, K.B.E., C.B., formerly Director of Supplies and Transport at the War Office; and Mr. F. A. Bell, M.C., the vice-chairman of the Scottish Milk Marketing Board and the convener of the Board's Publicity and Marketing Committees. The new Board will come into being on 1st December, and will be appointed for a period expiring on 31st March, 1942. I should like to take this opportunity of expressing, on behalf of the Ministers concerned, our warm appreciation of the services which the chairman, vice-chairman and members of the present Herring Industry Board have rendered in the difficult times through which the industry has been passing since they were appointed.

Mr. Shinwell

While expressing no comment on the qualifications of General Gibb, formerly Director of Supplies at the War Office, will the right hon. Gentleman say what his qualifications are to occupy a position on the Herring Industry Board?

Mr. Colville

I think that a Parliamentary answer is hardly the appropriate time to set forth in detail the records of these Members, but I am communicating with the Press to-day giving the records of the gentlemen selected.

Mr. Boothby

May I ask what arrangements have been made for the transfer of the powers when the present board leaves office that the new board takes over?

Mr. Colville

The new board will take over as soon as their appointment takes effect, that is, in December, but I understand that they will meet before then for a preliminary discussion.

Mr. Henderson Stewart

As the chairman of the new board is the present chairman of the Scottish Fishery Board what steps are being taken to fill that office when the new appointment is made?

Mr. Colville

Perhaps the hon. Member will put that question on the Order Paper.