HC Deb 14 November 1938 vol 341 c491
42. Mr. Henry Haslam

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether in regard to the £24,000 scheme for the improvement of the River Bain put forward by the Witham Catchment Board, he has considered the representations from both the urban and rural district councils of Horncastle that, in their unanimous opinion, this expenditure is a gross waste of public money and will not confer any appreciable benefit on the owners and occupiers near the River Bain nor on the town of Horncastle through which the river flows; is he aware that the two councils comprise members who have a lifelong knowledge of the River Bain and the problems it presents; and will he bring these representations before the Witham Catchment Board?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

I am aware of the views of the Urban and Rural District Councils of Horncastle upon the scheme of improvement works proposed to be carried out by the Witham and Steeping Rivers Catchment Board on the River Bain. I am, at present, in communication with the catchment board, who are also aware of those views, and my hon. Friend can be assured that I shall not approve the scheme for grant without the most careful consideration. My hon. Friend is, no doubt, aware that the catchment board have full power to carry out what works they please on the River Bain without obtaining authority from me, and that it is only because they wish to obtain a grant that I have any locus in the matter.

Mr. Haslam

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman to take the most particular care to examine into this large expenditure which can only be described as a shameful waste in view of the fact—[Interruption.]