HC Deb 14 November 1938 vol 341 cc491-3
45. Mr. Bracken

asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the discouragement to development and employment caused by uncertainty regarding the future Government of Tanganyika and other African territories formerly under German rule, His Majesty's Government will give an assurance that no transference of the mandates of any of those territories will be effected until adequate financial compensation is given to the enterprisers and investors who have been engaged in developing those territories since Great Britain first accepted mandates for their Government?

The Prime Minister

I would refer my hon. Friend to the statement made by my predecessor on 18th December, 1935, when he said that no British territory and no territory under British protection or mandate would be transferred from British sovereignty or authority without the fullest regard being had to the interests of all sections of the population in the territory concerned.

Mr. Bracken

Will the Prime Minister realise that meanwhile, owing to the publicity about the future of the government of these Colonies, a large number of English people are being deprived of their livelihood?

Mr. Pilkington

Does the Prime Minister not think that recent happenings in Germany have made it abundantly clear that Germany is not yet fit to undertake the welfare of other populations?

Mr. Bellenger

Can the Prime Minister inform the House whether His Majesty's Government are contemplating the transfer of these territories on any terms?

The Prime Minister

No, Sir.

Mr. Paling

Is the right hon. Gentleman doing anything to deal with the intensive Nazi propaganda that is taking place in Tanganyika?

Mr. Benn

Has the right hon. Gentleman any knowledge of the reason for Mr. Pirow's projected visit to Berlin?

46. Mr. Davidson

asked the Prime Minister what recent representations he has received from British colonies on the question of transfer?

The Prime Minister

His Majesty's Government have received many representations on this subject, all of which will, of course, be taken fully into account.

Mr. Davidson

Have His Majesty's Government made any reply to the representations which the Colonies have made, and, if so, can he indicate the nature of the Government's reply?

The Prime Minister

Perhaps the hon. Member will put that question down.

49. Mr. V. Adams

asked the Prime Minister whether he will undertake that Parliament shall be consulted before any discussions are initiated with foreign Powers respecting transfer of mandated or colonial territories?

The Prime Minister

As my predecessor stated in the House on 27th April, 1936, His Majesty's Government will not commit themselves to any settlement in connection with this particular problem without giving full opportunity for discussion in the House.

Mr. Adams

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that the initiation of negotiations may commit this Government a long way with foreign Governments, and is he aware that there are wide misgivings in this House and outside lest it be presented with an accomplished fact? Ought not Parliament to be fully informed about a matter which vitally affects the future of the Empire?

The Prime Minister

I hope the assurance I have given will be sufficient.