HC Deb 14 November 1938 vol 341 cc473-4
5. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Prime Minister the nature of any assurances given to the Iraq Government in regard to the future policy of His Majesty's Government in Palestine?

Mr. Butler

No assurances regarding the future policy of His Majesty's Government in Palestine have been given to the Iraqi Government or to any other Government, except that it is the constant desire of His Majesty's Government to find a solution which shall be just to all the parties to the dispute and that the views of the Iraqi Government would be taken into careful consideration.

Mr. Williams

Can we take it from that reply that the statements attributed to the Foreign Secretary of Iraq regarding immigration and other problems were incorrect?

Mr. Butler

I am afraid I cannot take account of all the statements that appear the Press on a matter of this kind.

10. Mr. Leach

asked the Prime Minister what steps he is taking to further the policy of the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine by entering into negotiations with other countries with a view to stopping the intrigues of the Mufti in Palestine and preventing the entry of arms into Palestine?

Mr. Butler

His Majesty's Government are in close touch with the French Government about the Mufti, and with other Governments bordering on Palestine on the subject of the introduction of arms into that country.

Mr. Leach

Will the hon. Gentleman please remember that we are under a very solemn pledge in this matter, and that our friends, America and France, are looking to us to fulfil it?

Mr. Butler

Yes, Sir.

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