HC Deb 14 November 1938 vol 341 cc487-8
43. Sir Adrian Baillie

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that owing to the inadequate machinery for punishing those responsible for removing the marks from foreign eggs, this fraud is now established on a large scale in this country, and that travellers are sent round to sell up-to-date devices for removing such marks; and whether, in these circumstances, he will take new steps to protect the British poultry industry?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

I am aware that local authorities have successfully instituted proceedings in a number of instances against persons accused of removing marks of origin from imported eggs; but I have no information that would suggest that this class of fraud is now established on a large scale, nor am I aware that special devices for removing such marks are being sold. If, however, my hon. Friend has any definite information that he could pass on to me I will give it my careful consideration.

Sir A. Baillie

I shall be pleased to pass on the information, but in the meanwhile

Month. Wholesale.† Retail*
Average 1st And 2nd Quality English. British Legs. British Breast
November 130 156 125
December 125 155 124
January 125 156 124
February 121 155 124
March 118 156 124
April 120 154 123
May 108 154 122
June 111 152 122
July 104 151 120
August 105 149 118
September 104 148 116
October 103 147 115
Straight Average of Monthly figures. 114 153 121
* Index Numbers on first day of month (Base July, 1914=100) computed by the Ministry of Labour.
† Base, corresponding month 1911–13=100.

I should like to ask the Minister whether he has not heard that in a district like Hull the egg-rubbing business is flourishing, and that it is now considered a staple industry of that once famous port?

Mr. Morrison

I shall be grateful if the hon. Member will give me any information in his possession.

Mr. De la Bère

Will the right hon. Gentleman have a vigorous, complete, relentless and urgent survey of the whole position?