HC Deb 22 March 1938 vol 333 cc984-5
32. Mr. E. Smith

asked the Secretary for Mines the areas where instruction in safety principles in junior classes for boys employed in the coal-mining industry is being given; and whether it is intended to encourage the instruction throughout the mining areas?

Captain Crookshank

There are 299 training centres scattered throughout the coalfields. I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the centres, with the number of classes at each. As regards the second part of the question, the continuance and, where necessary, the extension of the already widespread facilities for instruction throughout the coalfield, receives my constant encouragement.

Following is the statement:

Safety Classes for Boys employed at Coal Mines. Session 1937–38.
County. Number of
Training Centres. Classes.
Ayr 6 7
Dumbarton 1 1
East Lothian 1 3
Fife 12 24
Lanark 17 30
Midlothian 3 3
Stirling 3 5
West Lothian 8 10
England and Wales.
Durham 53 67
Northumberland 15 21
York 53 53
Derby and Leicester 25 27
Nottingham 26 44
Lancaster 9 20
Stafford 4 9
Denbigh 1 3
Brecon 2 2
Glamorgan 31 45
Monmouth 8 21
Carmarthen 9 9
Kent 6 6
Salop 4 4
Warwick 2 2