HC Deb 17 March 1938 vol 333 cc588-9
58. Mr. Burke

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education what steps he is taking to secure uniform action by local authorities regarding school- leaving exemption under the Education Act, 1936?

Mr. Lindsay

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave to the hon. Member for East Birkenhead (Mr. White) on 10th February last, in which I said that the establishment of a standard of beneficial employment did not seem to my Noble Friend to be contemplated by the Education Act, 1936, but that he was glad to notice that the education authorities were conferring on the matter, I am sending the hon. Member a copy of that reply.

Mr. Burke

Has the hon. Gentleman seen the suggestions put forward by the Lancashire County education authority, and indeed by other authorities, for getting uniformity in this respect, and can he give his approval to them?

Mr. Lindsay

I have seen them, but I cannot give approval to them across the Table.

Mr. Burke

Can the hon. Gentleman say that he does not disapprove?

Mr. Lindsay

They were very interesting suggestions.

Mr. Tomlinson

Will the hon. Gentleman consider the statement which he made last week with regard to the uniformity of school terms, and point out the impossibility of getting uniformity unless school terms are brought into line?

Mr. Lindsay

I can but refer to the suggestions of the Board in a recent circular, which were: It is probable that in many cases contiguous authorities may find it convenient to arrive at a system of uniform school terms which will obviate any difficulty that might otherwise be presented.