HC Deb 07 March 1938 vol 332 cc1524-7
58. Mr. De Chair

asked the Minister of Agriculture how the total volume of agricultural production in 1937 compared with that in 1914?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

Sufficient data are not available to enable the total output of agricultural and horticultural commodities in 1914 to be measured against that of 1937. I am, however, sending to my hon. Friend a table giving such figures as are available.

Mr. T. Williams

Will the table appear in the OFFICIAL REPORT?

Mr. Morrison

I had intended to send it only to my hon. Friend; but, if it is the general wish, I shall have much pleasure in sending it to the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the table:

Estimated total production of the principal agricultural commodities in England and Wales in the years 1914–15 and 1936–37.
Product. Unit. Production.
1914–15 (June-May). 1936–37 (June-May).
Beef 000 cwt. 8,404 8,719
Veal 000 cwt. 398 775
Mutton and Lamb 000 cwt. 3,279 3,344
Pigmeat 000 cwt. 4,749 7,616
Dairy Products:
Milk Million gallons 897 (a) 1,314.5 (a)
Butter 000 cwt. 380 (b) 390 (b)
Cheese 000 cwt. 336 (b) 200 (b)
Cream 000 gallons 635 (b) 1,300 (b)
Skim milk Million gallons 9 (b) 3 (b)
Fowls Thousand head 15,500 28,000
Ducks Thousand head 1,950 2,600
Geese Thousand head 490 580
Turkeys Thousand head 510 570
Fowls Millions 941 2,835
Ducks Millions 18 60
Wool Million lb. 61 55
Farm Crops (d):
Wheat 000 tons 1,634 1,378
Barley 000 tons 1,184 663
Oats 000 tons 1,340 1,080
Mixed corn 000 tons 75
Rye 000 tons 8.6
Beans 000 tons 250 93
Peas 000 tons 83 31
Potatoes 000 tons 2,953 2,814
Sugar Beet 000 tons (c) 3,387
Hops 000 cwt. 507 252
Seeds Hay 000 tons 2,117 1,674
Meadow Hay 000 tons 5,148 4,733
Wheat Straw 000 tons 2,216 1,850
Barley Straw 000 tons 1,357 617
Oats Straw 000 tons 1,934 1,247
Mustard Seed 000 tons (c) 13.9
Fruit (all kinds) 000 cwt. 5,563 12,545
(a) Estimated total production, excluding milk fed to livestock.
(b) Estimated farm production.
(c) Not available.
(d) Crops of first named year.
NOTE.—The figures given above are not entirely comparable in view of the fact that the production of meat, milk and dairy products, etc. are not computed on exactly similar bases. The figures for 1914–15 have been based in some cases on the results of the censuses of 1908 and 1913.

62. Mr. Pearson

asked the Minister of Agriculture the area in Glamorganshire under wheat, oats, and barley, respectively, for the years 1935, 1936, and 1937; and whether the yields are below the average for England and Wales?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

As the reply involves a table of figures I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

The acreages under wheat, oats, and barley in Glamorganshire in the years named were:

Wheat. Oats. Barley.
Acres. Acres. Acres.
1935 2,692 7,571 1,463
1936 2,209 7,406 1,447
1937 2,154 6,730 1,355

The yields in that county in 1935 were below, and in 1937 above, the respective average yields for England and Wales, while in 1936 the yields of wheat and barley were lower and the yield of oats slightly higher than in the country as a whole.