§ 61. Mr. Sorensenasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies when action is likely to be taken to implement the recommendation of the special commission of inquiry in Mauritius to increase wages by 10 per cent.; whether he is aware that the proposed increase falls short of a desirable wage standard; and what were the aggregate wages paid to native workers and the total number who received such wages in 1937?
Mr. M. MacDonaldAs regards the first two parts of the question, I am fully alive to the desirability of increasing wages as much as possible in the sugar industry in Mauritius. I understand that in many cases increases have already been granted over the rates prevailing before the strike last year. Legislation has been passed under which machinery is being established for the discussion between employers and employed of conditions of employment generally, and an experienced labour officer has also been appointed. Wages will be one of the first questions to be dealt with under these arrangements. As regards the last part of the question, I am doubtful whether the information is available, but I will ask the Governor.