HC Deb 21 June 1938 vol 337 c866
9. Mr. Mander

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he will place in the Library a copy of the speech made by the Prime Minister of New Zealand on 2nd June to the deputations of the Defence League?

Lord Stanley

I have not yet received any copy of the speech to which the hon. Member refers, but, on the receipt of a copy, I will arrange for it to be placed in the Library of the House.

Mr. Mander

Is the Minister aware that the Prime Minister of New Zealand said that when it came to compulsion they would not start with flesh and blood; and will he convey that idea to the British Cabinet?

Lord Stanley

I do not think that that point arises out of the question on the Paper.

12. Mr. Day

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs the figures that Canada and the Union of South Africa have agreed to expend for the current year upon either naval and/or air defence?

Lord Stanley

The provision made in the current Canadian Estimates for naval and air defence is as follows: Naval, $6,639,232; Air, $11,686,517. These figures do not include any part of the cost of headquarters administration. I understand that the Estimates of the Union of South Africa for 1938–39, are not yet available, but I will make inquiries on the subject and will communicate with the hon. Member.

Mr. Day

Are the figures for Canada actual or estimated?

Lord Stanley

I think they are actual.

Mr. T. Williams

How much of the fund set apart in South Africa for the air service will be spent in Germany on German aeroplanes?