HC Deb 14 June 1938 vol 337 cc18-9
26. Mr. Hannah

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will consider authorising such extensions to the national museums of Edinburgh as will permit the ancient stones and other monuments inscribed, at present crowded together, to be displayed with the same efficiency as is customary in Germany, Scandinavia, Czechoslovakia, and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics?

Mr. Colville

I assume that the hon. Member has in mind the Museum of Antiquities, as, according to my information, other national museums in Edinburgh where ancient stones and monuments are exhibited are not overcrowded. I understand that, in view of the fact that the Government has recently incurred considerable expenditure, and is committed to spend further large sums, in respect of the National Library and the National Galleries and Museums in Edinburgh, the Standing Commission on Museums and Galleries has not felt able, in present circumstances, to recommend the grant of Government assistance towards the cost of a new building for the Museum of Antiquities.

Mr. Hannah

Cannot the building be extended in some way; and is it not the case that the exhibits in Queen Street are unduly crowded together?

Sir Douglas Thomson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that when this museum was taken over in 1851 the Treasury promised to have adequate accommodation made; and will he approach the Treasury with a view to the redemption of that pledge now 80 or 90 years old?

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