HC Deb 21 July 1938 vol 338 c2406
33. Mr. Fleming

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether he is aware that some local education authorities are refusing to release girls from attendance at school at 14 years of age, in order to assist their mothers at home, on the ground that such help to a mother is not beneficial employment within the meaning of the Education Act, 1936; and whether he will give a ruling on this point in order to assist local education authorities?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education (Mr. Kenneth Lindsay)

I think that there must be some misapprehension as to the legal position. The considerations to which local education authorities must have regard before permitting the withdrawal of children of 14 to enable them to give assistance in the home are entirely different from those to which they must have regard in determining whether any employment will be beneficial. Moreover, the sections of the Education Act, 1936, which deal with exemptions for beneficial employment and the withdrawal of children from school to enable them to give assistance in the home do not come into operation until 1st September, 1939.

Mr. Macquisten

Is not assisting the mother at home the most beneficial of all employments?

Mr. Lindsay

That is one of the reasons why it is provided for.