HC Deb 12 July 1938 vol 338 cc1101-2
32. Mr. Duncan

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether his attention has been called to the gift of a farm in British Columbia to the Fair-bridge Farm School Society; and whether he will co-operate with the Association in the migration of boys to this new school?

Lord Stanley

I was glad to learn of this generous gift to the Fairbridge Society. I understand that the Society propose to use the estate in question for the purpose of giving practical mainland farming experience to the older boys from the Prince of Wales Fairbridge Farm School, situated on Vancouver Island, before they go to employment in the Province. There is thus no question of establishing a new farm school with the gift. The Government's financial cooperation and assistance in respect of the Vancouver School will, of course, continue as before.

Mr. Duncan

Will there be room for more boys from this country as a result of this very generous gift?

Lord Stanley

I do not think I can answer that question without notice. I rather think it is a question of the extension of training rather than of taking more boys.

Mr. T. Smith

Is it not a fact that in Canada there are more than enough boys to fill the Fairbridge Farm School, and many more?

Mr. Robert Gibson

Will the Minister keep in mind that in Scotland more than 1,000,000 acres are available for reclaiming as farm land?