HC Deb 13 December 1938 vol 342 cc1802-3
Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey

(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether the arrangement announced by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries for an additional payment for barley of the 1938 crop applies to Scotland; and if so whether he can state the approximate proportion of the additional payment which will accrue to barley growers in Scotland?

Mr. Colville

The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the second part, about a quarter of the total acreage of barley at present qualifying for subsidy is in Scotland. As the total figure is about 200,000 acres, a quarter would represent 50,000 acres. As my hon. Friend is aware, however, a further opportunity is to be given to growers to change over from the wheat subsidy to oats and barley, and it has been roughly estimated that this may double the present acreage. If the proportion were the same as in the case of the acreage at present qualifying, Scotland would receive about a quarter of the additional payments.

Mr. J. Morgan

May I ask whether those farmers who have taken advantage of the advance on their wheat quota will have the facility to return it if they desire and go on to the new barley quota?

Mr. Colville

I cannot answer that question without notice.

Sir Archibald Sinclair

Does not the right hon. Gentleman think that this piecemeal handling of the agricultural situation is undesirable, and that we ought to have a full statement of the Government's agricultural policy in Scotland, including the oats farmers in particular?

Mr. Henderson Stewart

Can my right hon. Friend indicate when the proposal regarding oats will be announced?

Mr. Colville

No, Sir. I have answered specifically the question which my hon. Friend put to me by Private Notice. The right hon. Gentleman has widened the question considerably, and I am not prepared to give an answer to-day, except to say that no doubt he took notice of the statement made by the Minister of Agriculture last Friday.

Mr. Quibell

Will the right hon. Gentleman be able to announce the new policy when the next by-election takes place?