HC Deb 13 December 1938 vol 342 cc1773-4
14. Mr. Tomlinson

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is now in a position to make a statement on the memorandum submitted to him by the deputation representing the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, in which it was suggested that action should be taken to improve the Lancashire trade with Argentina; and what action has been taken or is contemplated?

Mr. Stanley

I understand that the Argentine Government are taking action to afford further protection to their own textile industries against the increasing competition of low-priced foreign goods in Argentina. Such action, in so far as it is successful in its object, may be expected also to benefit the United Kingdom export trade to that market. The deputation to which the hon. Member refers represented, however, that there is a danger that the proposed measures might be to some extent evaded by the diversion of foreign goods to this country for finishing and re-exportation as United Kingdom goods. His Majesty's Ambassador at Buenos Aires has accordingly been instructed to suggest to the Argentine Government certain specific measures which would have the effect of hindering any such diversion.

Mr. Tomlinson

Are these specific measures to introduce the woven and finished formula undertaking with regard

Mr. Stanley

I should have thought that, if the bulbs were unwanted, they would not be likely to produce good results, and so would not produce a very favourable impression.

Following is the answer:

to cotton imported goods that was given in 1936 by the Argentine Government?

Mr. Stanley

My representations referred to the formula called "spun, woven, and finished."