HC Deb 12 December 1938 vol 342 c1609
72. Commander Marsden

asked the Postmaster-General what was the time allowed for crossing the Irish Sea between Holyhead and Dun Loaghaire in the contract for the carrying of mails; and whether this time was subject to variation in bad weather conditions?

Major Tryon

The time allowed between the Inner Harbour, Holyhead, and Dun Laoghaire was 2 hours 55 minutes. The contract provides that bad weather conditions shall be taken into consideration in connection with any question of penalties for late running.

Commander Marsden

Owing to the numerous fatal accidents which have occurred owing to collisions in fog, will the right hon. Gentleman insist on notices being placed to this effect on all mail-carrying ships?

Major Tryon

It is quite clear to those concerned that we do not exact any penalty when the weather necessitates a slowing down.