HC Deb 13 April 1938 vol 334 c1128
65. Sir Nicholas Grattan-Doyle

asked the Minister of Transport what steps have been taken by his Department to provide a uniform and adequate system of lighting on trunk roads; whether county councils have been approached as to meeting a proportion of the cost of installation and maintenance; and, if so, with what result?

The Minister of Transport (Mr. Burgin)

In reply to the first two parts of this question, I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of a circular which I have recently addressed to local authorities on the matter; as regards the last part, the proposed arrangement only became operative on 1st April, and it is too early to state the result.

Mr. Tinker

Will the right hon. Gentleman allow all Members to have copies of that circular?

Mr. Burgin

I will try to make arrangements for that.

70. Sir George Mitcheson

asked the Minister of Transport whether he can furnish an estimate of the proportion of the mileage of the trunk roads which is of such design and width that it is not safe for vehicles to be overtaken when there is traffic travelling in the opposite direction?

Mr. Burgin

Of the 4,500 miles of trunk roads, there are 750 miles with a width between fences of less than 30 feet. I am not able to say what proportion of this mileage falls within the description contained in my hon. Friend's question.

Mr. Bevan

What steps is the right hon. Gentleman taking to deal with this problem?

Mr. Burgin

Every possible step.

Mr. Bevan

Can the right hon. Gentleman be a little more precise?

Mr. Burgin

Not in answer to a supplementary question.

Mr. Bevan

When does the right hon. Gentleman propose to make a statement of what he intends to do?