HC Deb 05 April 1938 vol 334 cc173-5
25. Mr. Watkins

asked the President of the Board of Trade the number and value of British manufactured fighting aeroplanes that were exported in 1937 and the countries to which they were exported?

Mr. Stanley

I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT particulars of the number and value of aeroplanes of United Kingdom manufacture exported to individual countries during 1937. I am unable, from the particulars compiled for the purpose of the trade returns, to furnish the desired information in respect of fighting aeroplanes, as such.

Mr. Watkins

Is it not surprising that the Government have allowed these aeroplanes to go abroad when we are told day by day that they are wanted for our own defence?

Mr. Stanley

There are aeroplanes and aeroplanes.

Mr. Lawson

If this export has not been stopped, may I ask what is the good of negotiating with the engineers?

Mr. Stanley

A number of these are civil aeroplanes which have no relation whatsoever to the armament programme. All the others are the subject of export licences granted by my Department after consultation with the Service Department concerned, who are satisfied that service interests are not interfered with.

Mr. Attlee

If permits are necessary how is it that the right hon. Gentleman cannot state the number of fighting aeroplanes as compared with civil aeroplanes?

Mr. Stanley

I was asked also their value and I have given the whole list, compiled from Customs' returns, but the Customs' returns do not differentiate between fighting and other types of aircraft.

Mr. Kelly

In view of the statement of the right hon. Gentleman that there are aeroplanes and aeroplanes, will he give us the number of fighting aeroplanes—bombers, and so forth—which are being exported from this country?

Mr. Stanley

I have given all the information I have.

Following are the particular:

Table showing the number and value of complete aeroplanes of United Kingdom manufacture exported from this country during 1937, distinguishing the countries to which consigned.
Countries to which consigned. Complete Aeroplanes.
Number. £
Irish Free State 4 20,309
Channel Islands
Union of South Africa (excluding south-West Africa Territory) 60 65,490
Southern Rhodesia 4 9,258
Kenya 7 17,862
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1966 1,744
British India and Burma 19 44,304
Straits Settlements and Dependencies (including Labuan). 6 11,074
Federated Malay States 3 2,731
Hong Kong 12 75,103
Anstralia 73 367,440
Territory of Papua (including the Mandated Territory of New Guinea) 1 525
New Zealand 32 33,929
Canada 14 44,720
Other British Countries 4 7,853
Finland 8 84,909
Latvia 15 106,239
Lithuania 5 24,403
Sweden 10 47,025
Denmark (including Farce Island) 3 6,100
Poland (including Danzig) 2 4,229
Germany 1 1,000
Netherlands 6 3,259
Belgium 25 148,355
France 31 86,299
Switzerland 6 5,979
Portugal 10 47,074
Austria 5 23,520
Czechoslovakia 1 7,232
Yugoslavia 14 101,740
Greece 7 25,290
Rumania 5 16,479
Turkey 11 99,476
Egypt 20 56,236
Iraq 27 105,299
Afghanistan 8 53,100
China (exclusive of Hong Kong, Macao, Manchuria and leased territories) 14 97,732
Japan (including Formosa) 1 1,484
Brazil 16 42,515
Uruguay 11 11,125
Other foreign countries 5 4,638
Total 507 1,913,099