HC Deb 17 November 1937 vol 329 cc395-6
47. Mr. Edwards

asked the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence whether he is aware that particulars of a process for the extraction of oil from coal at an economic cost have been offered to the Falmouth Committee, and that they have so far refused to give the sponsors of this process an opportunity to present their case; and will he, in the national interest, take steps to ensure that no reasonable system is refused a hearing before this committee?

Sir T. Inskip

I have no reason to suppose that the Falmouth Committee have not received all the information which they require as to processes for the production of oil from coal. It is not desirable that I should attempt to direct the committee as to the way in which they should conduct their inquiry.

Mr. Edwards

Is the Minister not aware that this scheme involves a saving to the State of between £30,000,000 and £40,000,000 a year, and does he not think that such a scheme as this should be explored or exploded, or both?

Sir T. Inskip

I have already stated that I have no reason to believe that the committee have not all the information they require as to this and any other processes.

Mr. Edwards

Does not my question convey that there is some evidence which the committee have not got, and will the Minister make further investigations and be quite certain that the committee do get all the information?

Sir T. Inskip

It is not possible for me to investigate the details of all these processes and then try to form an opinion on them.

Mr. Edwards

Will the right hon. Gentleman not take my word for it that there is some very important information which this committee has definitely refused to hear, and will he, therefore, make inquiries into my statement?

Sir T. Inskip

I am quite prepared to accept the hon. Gentleman's statement that, in his opinion, he has some very important information in his possession. If he will send it to the committee, no doubt it will add to their information.

Mr. Edwards

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I will raise the matter at an early opportunity.