HC Deb 18 March 1937 vol 321 c2233
9. Mr. Rowson

asked the Minister of Labour how many branch managers employed by the Ministry of Labour do not get holidays with pay?

Mr. E. Brown

Branch managers are engaged on a part-time basis and the terms of their engagement do not include provision for holidays with pay.

Mr. T. Williams

What qualifies a man for an annual holiday with pay? Does it depend on length of service?

Mr. Brown

It is not a question of length of service but of a part-time basis and, as the hon. Member knows, that differs according to the local circumstances, because one branch is not necessarily open for the same number of days per week or per month as another branch. That is one of the problems which will come before the committee of inquiry which is to be set up.

Mr. Williams

Can the Minister give us any idea of how many part-time branch managers he has who are not established civil servants?

Mr. Brown

If the hon. Member puts that question down I will give him the answer.

Mr. Rowson

Can the right hon. Gentleman say how many are involved in this arrangement?

Mr. Brown

Not without notice.

14. Mr. Rowson

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can now state the names of the members of the committee to inquire into the question of holidays with pay; and when they will commence their duties?

15. Mr. Lyons

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can now state the membership of the committee to consider the question of holidays with pay for employed persons and the date of the first sitting?

Mr. Brown

I hope to be able to make a statement on this matter very shortly.