HC Deb 16 March 1937 vol 321 cc1839-40
31. Mr. T. Johnston

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will give a list of education committees in Scotland who allow discretionary powers to headmasters to authorise the provision of school meals to necessitous children pending examination by a school medical officer; and whether the authorities have been instructed to insist upon production of a medical certificate proving under-nutrition before food is supplied?

Mr. Elliot

I am informed that discretionary power to authorise the provision of school meals to necessitous children pending further investigation is allowed to head teachers of schools in the following areas: Ayr, Dumfries, Fife, Wig-town, and Zetland. In the following areas the provision of school meals pending investigation is authorised by the authority on receipt of a report from the head teacher: Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, East Lothian, and Sutherland. No instructions of the kind indicated in the second part of the question have been issued by the Scottish Education Department.

Mr. Johnston

In view of the desirability of having uniformity in this matter, would not the Secretary of State consider the issue of a request to the local authorities to stop a practice whereby poor children may starve for long periods in certain areas?

Mr. Elliot

I do not think that any authority which was doing its duty would allow any such thing to take place, but I certainly will look into the matter if the right hon. Gentleman desires me to do so.

Mr. Johnston

Is it not the case that I have already supplied the right hon. Gentleman's officials with instances; and could he not undertake to examine the proposition in my supplementary question?

Mr. Elliot

I have already undertaken to look into the matter. I do not think it would be correct to say that any children are being allowed to starve for long periods.