HC Deb 30 June 1937 vol 325 c1955
38. Sir N. Grattan-Doyle

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is yet in a position to announce his decision on the report of the inquiry into the period of showing of the amber traffic-light; and whether such change will be made so that the period of showing will vary only according to the class of road and the nature of the traffic thereon?

40. Mr. McGhee

asked the Minister of Transport whether his Department have considered the complaints made as to the wide variation in the length of time of the amber caution signal at cross-roads; and whether it is his intention to fix a minimum time to avoid the dangerous practice of sudden braking at these points?

The Minister of Transport (Mr. Burgin)

In modern installations of traffic lights I am advised that it is possible to standardise the amber period under all conditions of traffic. As I stated on 1st June in reply to a question by my hon. Friend the Member for the South-Western Division of St. Pancras (Sir G. C. Mitcheson), I hope shortly to issue a circular to highway authorities on this subject. I will send the hon. Members copies.