HC Deb 07 June 1937 vol 324 cc1412-4
42. Miss Cazalet

asked the Minister of Health what is the present position regarding the health of the Basque children who have been brought into this country?

Mr. Bernays

According to the information in my possession, the general health of these children is satisfactory; but my right hon. Friend is advised that it is highly desirable on grounds of public health that the number of children in the camp at North Stoneham should be reduced as speedily as possible, and he understands that the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief are in accord with this view. Evacuation is in progress, and about 900 of the 4,000 children have already been transferred elsewhere. Five cases of typhoid fever, two cases of diphtheria and three cases of measles have occurred among the children. The patients have been isolated, and appropriate precautionary measures have been taken against the spread of infection.

Captain Harold Balfour

If I give the Minister first-hand information from local residents to show that there are no adequate medical arrangements, that there are half-time voluntary helpers for approximately 100 patients, and that many of these helpers have no knowledge of the language, will he take note of that information?

Mr. Bernays

I should be very glad to have any information which my hon. and gallant Friend can give me.

Mr. W. Roberts

Is it not the case that there are at least five full-time, fully-qualified doctors there and also matrons, and a large staff of nurses, and that until recently a large staff of local V.A.Ds. were at the camp?

Sir Francis Fremantle

Would not the care of these children naturally come within the duties of the local sanitary authority and medical officer of health; and if the local medical officer is not able, by reason of other functions or language difficulties, to look after them, would it not then be a matter for an officer directly appointed by the Ministry of Health.

Mr. Bernays

I can assure my hon. Friends that a medical officer of the Ministry of Health is constantly visiting the camp and is sending reports to the Ministry.

Sir N. Stewart Sandeman

Is the Ministry of Health responsible?

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