HC Deb 02 June 1937 vol 324 cc1012-3
58. Mr. Lovat-Fraser

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that the number of motor vehicles is growing at the rate of nearly 500 a day; and what he proposes to do to make the traffic fit the existing streets and roads?

Mr. Burgin

The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As to the second part, all highway authorities, including myself in respect of trunk roads, are taking steps to effect road improvements as funds and circumstances permit. I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of a memorandum recently issued on the Layout and Construction of Roads.

Captain Strickland

May I ask whether it is and will be the policy of the Government to make the roads of the country fit the traffic, and not the traffic fit the roads?

Mr. H. G. Williams

Is the Minister aware that last week-end there were queues on the roads outside London three or four miles long?

59. Mr. Shinwell

asked the Minister of Transport the annual estimated yield from motor taxes in the next three years; and the estimated annual expenditure on the construction and improvement of major roads during the same period?

Mr. Burgin

The estimated yield of motor vehicle licence duties for the current financial year is given in the Financial Statement at £34,000,000. Payments from the Road Fund towards the cost of works of major improvement and new construction are estimated to amount to £10,500,000 during the year. No estimate for future years has yet been framed.