HC Deb 29 July 1937 vol 326 cc3312-3
Mr. E. Dunn

(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can give any further information regarding the accident which occurred yesterday at the Kilnhurst Colliery, near Rotherham, when one man was killed and 17 injured?

The Secretary for Mines (Captain Crookshank)

I regret to inform the House that a serious accident occurred at the No. 2 Shaft at Kilnhurst Colliery at 2.45 p.m. yesterday. The shaft is about 660 yards deep. At the time of the accident the day and the afternoon shifts were changing over and 24 men were being raised in one of the cages and 18 lowered in the other. The cages were overwound. The upgoing cage was detached and safely held but the down-going cage struck the bottom of the shaft. One of the men in it was killed, 16 suffered fractured legs and are in hospital and the remaining man escaped with a shock. Inquiries into the cause of the accident are now proceeding. The House will join with me in expressing our deep sympathy with those who have been bereaved and those who are suffering as a result of this lamentable accident.