§ Mr. Craven-Ellis(by Private Notice) asked the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence whether arrangements have been made with firms engaged on Government contracts in connection with the rearmament programme, that will enable their employés who are members of the Territorial Army to attend camp?
§ Sir T. InskipIt is the considered opinion of His Majesty's Government that firms, including those engaged on rearmament work, should afford every opportunity to their employés not only to join the Auxiliary Forces which are at present below their proper strengths, but also to enable them to attend camp, which is an essential part of their training. The Government regard the maintenance of the Forces at their maximum strengths as the first condition of national security.
§ Mr. Craven-EllisMay I ask my right hon. Friend whether he is aware that Messrs. Cammell Laird—
§ Mr. SpeakerThe hon. Member may not read a supplementary question.
§ Miss WilkinsonOn a point of Order. In view of the fact that you have repeatedly ruled that no question may be put by private notice unless it is so urgent that it cannot wait to be put upon the Paper, may I ask why a question dealing with territorial camps some considerable time ahead should be granted the right of private notice?
§ Sir T. InskipFurther to that point of Order. May I call your attention to the fact that these camps will be held in the very near future, and that it is desirable that everybody should know the position of His Majesty's Government?
§ Mr. SpeakerIt must remain for me to decide whether a question may be put by private notice. In this case my attention was called to the fact that these camps will be held very shortly, and that it was necessary that employers and others should know their position in regard to them as soon as possible.
§ Miss WilkinsonAre we to assume from that reply that the supplementary question was put by arrangement with the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence?
§ Mr. SpeakerIt was because my attention was drawn to it that I stopped the supplementary question and did not allow it to be asked.
§ Mr. Craven-EllisMay I ask my right hon. Friend whether he is aware that Messrs. Cammell Laird—
§ Mr. SpeakerA supplementary question must be spontaneous.