HC Deb 15 July 1937 vol 326 cc1476-7
56. Miss Rathbone

asked the Minister of Health what report has been made by the local authorities to the circular letter of 30th September last, in which attention was called to the importance of the adequate supervision of nursing homes?

Sir K. Wood

I have not called for a special report from local authorities on this subject. The circular referred to by the hon. Member requested the local supervising authorities to satisfy themselves that their arrangements for the inspection of Nursing Homes are sufficient to ensure that the requirements of the Nursing Homes Registration Act are in all cases fully observed. If the hon. Member has any particular authority in mind and will let me know I will gladly make inquiries.

Miss Rathbone

Will the right hon. Gentleman take steps to find out what action has been taken by the local authorities and whether they are acting on his circular?

Sir K. Wood

That would mean asking for returns from the local authorities, and I do not want to overburden them at the present time when they are engaged in dealing with very many important duties. If the hon. Lady has any particular cases in mind, I will gladly take them up with the local authorities.

Sir Francis Fremantle

As the right hon. Gentleman issues a circular every year advising the medical officers on what they should deal with in their annual reports, will he ask them to pay special attention to this matter, which has hitherto been very considerably neglected in many large areas?