HC Deb 15 July 1937 vol 326 cc1475-6
53. Mr. Lipson

asked the Minister of Health whether he is prepared to arrange for milk to be available at 1½d. a pint, the price now charged for school children, for expectant and nursing mothers, and children under school age in families covered by National Health Insurance or of equivalent economic status?

Sir K. Wood

The question of increasing the supply of milk to these classes of the population will be considered in connection with the Government's long-term policy for the milk industry.

Mr. T. Williams

Can the right hon. Gentleman say when that long-term policy may be expected?

Sir K. Wood

No, Sir. That is not a question for me.

Mr. T. Johnston

Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware of the urgency of this question and of the desirability, on the grounds of public health, of providing cheap milk for the most necessitous sections of the community?

England and Wales have introduced diphtheria immunisation schemes for their child population; the number of children immunised in each of the boroughs which have such schemes in operation?

Sir K. Wood

I have no complete information on this subject, but with the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement giving such particulars as are available in the case of those county boroughs the councils of which have received my sanction under the Public Health Act, 1875, to the provision of facilities for immunisation against diphtheria.

Following is the statement:

Mr. Lipson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in Sweden, where the price of milk is 1½d. a pint, the consumption is 420 pints per head per year, whereas in this country it is only 150 pints per head?