HC Deb 06 July 1937 vol 326 cc174-5
35. Mr. Benjamin Smith

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the Corporation of Trinity House has recently made a by-law imposing new conditions for the qualification of Thames pilots; whether he will state the nature of the by-law and to whom it applies; and whether it is the intention of the Board of Trade to approve the by-law?

Mr. Stanley

The Corporation of Trinity House submitted for the approval of the Board of Trade a code of by-laws to supersede by-laws then in force dealing with the qualifications required of candidates for pilots' licences and with the licensing of pilots in the London Pilotage District. Certain objections to the bylaws were received as the result of advertisement, but the board, after holding a meeting at which the parties making the objections were fully heard, decided to confirm the by-laws and this was done on 27th May last.

Mr. Smith

Do not these by-laws in fact now lay down that only persons holding a sea-going master's certificate can become pilots in the area quoted by the right hon. Gentleman?

Mr. Stanley

I should be glad if the hon. Member would give me notice before I gave a full answer to that, but my impression is that on that particular point the code has not changed.

Mr. Smith

Will the right hon. Gentleman when prosecuting inquiries look into the question I have submitted, and have regard to the fact that the pilotage of the River Thames has been held for many years by people thoroughly qualified and that we have the best pilots, and yet their living is to be taken away by the imposing on new entrants of conditions that they cannot fulfil?

Mr. Stanley

I think that the hon. Member is mistaken. Exactly the same qualifications were necessary in the old code, but the number of people entitled to exemptions under the old code are, of course, getting less by the efflux of time.