HC Deb 26 January 1937 vol 319 cc766-7
The Prime Mnister

(at the Bar) acquainted the House that he had a Message from His Majesty the King to this House, signed by His Majesty's own hand. And he presented the same to the House, and it was read by Mr. SPEAKER (all the Members of the House being uncovered), and is as followeth:—

The uncertainty of human life, and a deep sense of My duty to My People, render it incumbent upon Me to recommend to you to consider contingencies which may hereafter arise, and to make such provision as will, in any event, secure the exercise of the Royal Authority.

It will be within your recollection that during My beloved Father's reign it became necessary to make temporary provision to meet the difficulties which arose in relation to the exercise of the Royal Authority at the time of His illness in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-eight, and of His last illness in the month of January, nineteen hundred and thirty-six.

My Father had, after His illness in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-eight, given much thought to the inconvenience which resulted, or might result, from the absence of statutory provision for dealing with any incapacity which might overtake the Sovereign, with the Accession of the Sovereign during infancy and with the absence of the Sovereign from the Realm; and it was His intention, if He had lived, as it was also the intention of My predecessor, to address a Message to you drawing attention to the matters to which I have referred.

These circumstances lead Me to recommend that you should take into your consideration the making of permanent provision for the purpose of facilitating the uninterrupted exercise of the Royal Authority, not only during the minority of the Sovereign on His Accession, but also for the reasons which I have given during any incapacity of the Sovereign and during the absence of the Sovereign from the Realm.

I shall be prepared to concur with you in any measures which may appear to you to be necessary or expedient for securing the purposes to which I have alluded.


The Prime Minister

I beg to move: That an humble address be presented to His Majesty to return to His Majesty the thanks of this House for His Majesty's most Gracious Message and to assure His Majesty that this House will, with the least possible delay, proceed to the discussion of the important question which His Majesty, out of His concern to avoid the inconvenience which might arise in certain contingencies, has been pleased to recommend to its consideration, and will proceed to provide such measures as appear necessary or expedient for securing the purpose to which His Majesty has alluded. I need only inform the House now that I shall present a Bill to-morrow for the purpose of carrying out His Majesty's wishes. The Bill will be made available to Members later in the week.

Question put, and agreed to.

Resolved, nemine contradicente, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty to return to His Majesty the thanks of this House for His Majesty's most Gracious Message and to assure His Majesty that this House will, with the least possible delay, proceed to the discussion of the important question which His Majesty, out of His concern to avoid the inconvenience which might arise in certain contingencies, has been pleased to recommend to its consideration, and will proceed to provide such measures as appear necessary or expedient for securing the purpose to which His Majesty has alluded."—[The Prime Minister.]

To be presented by Privy Councillors or Members of His Majesty's Household.