HC Deb 25 February 1937 vol 320 c2187
71. Sir Percy Hurd

asked the Minister of Agriculture how many tenants of smallholdings under county councils are in arrears with their rents; and whether, seeing the present difficulties of many of these smallholders, he will obtain a report from the county councils on the position with a view to such rent adjustments as the circumstances require?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

I am unable to state how many tenants of smallholdings under county councils are in arrears with their rents. The position of such smallholders is reviewed from time to time in the light of reports received from the county councils; but, as I have no power to intervene in the adjustments of the rents of holdings by councils, I do not think that any useful purpose would be served by obtaining a special report on the present position.

Sir P. Hurd

Is my right hon. Friend aware that many of these smallholders are gravely embarrassed by the fact that their rents are above any comparable standard in the district, and cannot he take some measure to help these people in their distress?

Mr. Morrison

We made special inquiries in 1931 and 1934, and the result of the last inquiry was to indicate that smallholders on the whole were weathering the agricultural depression remarkably well. I am not aware of any circumstances existing at the present time which would justify me in calling for a report of the kind indicated, but if my hon. Friend has any special circumstances in view, I hope he will communicate them to me.