HC Deb 25 February 1937 vol 320 c2160
16. Mr. Lambert

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can explain the discrepancy between the estimated and actual number of agricultural workers insured under the Agricultural Workers Insurance Act; and whether he can give any reason for the abnormal number of women claiming benefit?

Mr. E. Brown

The Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee discussed these points in their first report, dated 5th February, on the financial condition of the Unemployment Fund (Agricultural Account). I have nothing to add to what is said there. My right hon. Friend will find the relevant passages on pages 26 and 27.

Mr. Lambert

Is there any chance of the abnormal number of women claiming benefit being decreased?

Mr. Brown

Perhaps my right hon. Friend will consult the committee and discuss the matter with them.

19. Colonel Ropner

asked the Minister of Labour what was the number of male and female agricultural workers in the West Riding of Yorkshire who received unemployment insurance benefit during the month of January, 1937; and what proportion of these were under the age of 21?

Mr. Brown

I am having the available information extracted, and will circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT as soon as possible.