HC Deb 09 February 1937 vol 320 cc207-8
37. Mr. A. Jenkins

asked the Secretary for Mines whether the Government propose to introduce legislation this Session to provide a subsidy from national funds for assisting British coal sold in foreign markets?

Captain Crookshank

This matter is still under consideration by the Government in consultation with representatives of the coal industry, and I can make no statement at present.

Mr. Jenkins

Can the hon. and gallant Gentleman say when we are likely to have a statement on this matter?

Captain Crookshank

No, Sir.

Mr. T. Williams

Will the hon. and gallant Gentleman consult the Nottinghamshire coalowners, who made a profit of 2s. 7¼d. a ton last quarter, as to whether they will make a contribution?

Mr. Austin Hopkinson

Before a decision is reached, will the Government read carefully what the Samuel Report says on the subject of subsidies to the coal industry?

40. Mr. Jenkins

asked the Secretary for Mines whether his attention has been called to the decline in the quantity of British coal sold to Brazil; whether this is due wholly or in part to the action of the German Government in establishing a blocked currency known as compensation marks which, in effect, substantially reduces German prices below sterling prices; and what steps he proposes to take to ensure fair conditions of trade to the exporters of coal from this country to Brazil?

Captain Crookshank

It is true that up till 1935 exports of United Kingdom coal to Brazil showed a considerable decline, largely due to German competition such as is described by the hon. Member, but I would point out that there was some measure of recovery in 1936, which it is to be hoped will continue. As regards the last part of the question. I am not aware of anything more which can be done at present by the Government to increase the export of British coal to Brazil.

Mr. Jenkins

In view of the fact that the districts in which coal is produced for export have been bearing the burden of maintaining this export trade for a number of years, will the Minister take some steps with a view to spreading the burden of the maintenance of that trade over a greater area?

Captain Crookshank

That sounds like going back to a question which I have already answered.