§ 4. Mr. Shortasked the Minister of Labour how many applications have been 2218 made to the Unemployment Assistance Board in the Doncaster area for Special and additional relief since the instructions were sent to the officers of the Board; and how many have been granted?
§ Mr. E. BrownI would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave to a similar question addressed to me by the hon. Member for Llanelly (Mr. J. Griffiths) on 18th November, of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy.
§ Mr. BrownThe issue is that, normally, the additions are made in the course of the ordinary review of the Board, which is not yet complete.
§ Mr. T. SmithWill the additional allowances be limited to 3s. per week?
§ Mr. George GriffithsIs it not a fact that people who want this assistance have great difficulty in getting hold of the forms because they are put under the seat out of sight?
§ Mr. BrownI do not think so, but if the hon. Member has any information of a particular case, I shall be glad to look into it at once.
§ Mr. MainwaringIs the Minister satisfied that the advice issued in that circular conforms with the Act itself, in that the Act provides that regulations have to be ratified by this House, and is it in order that this additional circular should go forth without any precise information and without ratification by the House?
§ 16. Mr. Shortasked the Minister of Labour whether in the administration of the regulations, it is the intention of his Department that the Unemployment Assistance Board should collect the unpaid rates of local authorities from recipients of assistance?
§ Mr. ShortIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Unemployment Assistance Board is collecting the rates of the local authority in Doncaster?
§ 17. Mr. R. J. Taylorasked the Minister of Labour the number of long-term service men with Army pensions having their pensions taken into account under the Unemployment Assistance Board?
§ 19. Mr. T. Smithasked the Minister of Labour the number of cases in each district, respectively, in which the amount of unemployment allowance which would ordinarily have been granted has had to be reduced on the ground that the applicant had been receiving less in wages when in employment?
§ Mr. SmithCan the Minister say whether, in assessing what these unemployed low-wage earners will receive, account is taken of the fact that since they have been unemployed wages have been on the increase?
§ Mr. BrownI should require notice of that question. As the hon. Member knows, this applies only, or mainly, in the case of very large families.
§ Mr. G. GriffithsHow is it that the Minister does not know about this matter, when he is able to give figures regarding increases?
§ Mr. BrownThe hon. Member is not quite fair to me. I have also given every figure about decreases for which I was asked.
§ Mr. BuchananIs the Minister not aware that there is a conflict between the Unemployment Assistance Board and his own Department on this matter? Is he not aware that the Umpire has held that a man is justified in leaving a job on the ground of small wages, while, on the other hand, the Unemployment Assistance Board hold those small wages against him?
§ 23. Mr. Buchananasked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that Mr. P. Brown, 51, Portugal Street, Glasgow, 2220 and Mr. C. O'Donnell, 274, Florence Street, Glasgow, both signing at the South Side Exchange, are each only receiving an allowance of 15s. weekly, out of which 6s. per week goes in rent in each case; that Mr. O'Donnell has just recovered from an illness extending to about four years; and, in view of the small margin left, what steps he will take to have the allowance reviewed in order that both the men named and other men and women in a similar position will at least be allowed the minimum requirements of food and clothing?
§ Mr. BrownInquiry is being made, and I will communicate the result to the hon. Member in due course.
§ 24. Mr. Buchananasked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that the circular which he recently issued advising a review of claims to an allowance from the Unemployment Assistance Board, owing to the increase in the cost of living, only applies to households and does not apply to persons in lodgings or single persons living at home; and whether he will take steps to have this altered and, in so far as it is effective, apply it to all applicants?
§ Mr. BrownI would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave to the hon. Member for the Scotland Division of Liverpool (Mr. Logan) last Thursday.
§ Mr. BuchananIs not the Minister aware that this circular, in the opinion of his own local officers, cannot apply to single people, but only to households?
§ Mr. BrownI understand that the reply I gave was quite accurate, namely, that in the case of single persons allowances are paid to meet present needs. If the hon. Member has any information on the point, I shall be glad to consider it.
§ Mr. LoganWill not the Minister make arrangements so that persons living independently by themselves shall be eligible?
§ 26. Mr. Whiteasked the Minister of Labour whether the Unemployment Assistance Board, when making allowances to applicants who have been disallowed benefit under Section 27 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1935, take into account any other considerations than the needs of the applicant?
§ Mr. BrownI am informed by the Unemployment Assistance Board that such cases are dealt with in the light of all the provisions of the Unemployment Assistance Act that may be appropriate to them.
§ Mr. WhiteIs the Minister aware that there is an impression that the allowances given under these conditions are somewhat smaller than those given under other conditions; and will he inquire into that point?