71. Marquess of Titchfieldasked the Minister of Agriculture how many drainage authorities are subsidised by the Ministry of Agriculture and by what amount?
§ The Minister of Pensions (Mr. Ramsbotham)I have been asked to reply. Grants varying from 15 to 75 per cent. have been authorised up to date in the case of 31 catchment boards constituted under the Land Drainage Act, 1930, in respect of 72 schemes estimated to cost nearly £6,400,000. Sixteen of these schemes, costing £78,488, have already been completed, and the remainder are in operation, with the exception of six, where negotiations are still proceeding. In addition there are three pre-1930 Act schemes still uncompleted, which are estimated to cost some £300,000 and which are receiving a 50 per cent. grant.
§ Mr. BossomSeeing that the Government are making 50 per cent. grants to a great many of the schemes, is anybody looking after the amenities in connection with them?