§ 60. Mr. Lyonsasked the Minister of Transport whether he will define the standard of efficiency required for both brakes and steering-gear, respectively, under the new regulations he has promulgated?
Captain HudsonThe requirements as to braking equipment on the various classes of vehicle are set out in the regulations of which I am sending my hon. Friend a copy. All brakes and steering-gear are required to be maintained in good and efficient working order and kept properly adjusted.
§ Mr. LyonsAre instructions given to police inspectors in various towns as to what constitutes efficiency before proceedings are instituted?
Captain HudsonThis matter has not been overlooked. Efficiency means that the brakes are sufficient under the most adverse conditions to bring a vehicle to rest within a reasonable distance.
§ Mr. LyonsAre instructions given to the police authorities to arrive at a common form of agreement of what "reasonable" means?