HC Deb 19 April 1937 vol 322 c1421
35. Mr. Kelly

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the period of service in the Admiralty of each of the five men who were dismissed from the dockyards without being informed of any charge alleged against them?

Sir S. Hoare

The five men in question had 36, 23, 18, 14 and 2 years' service, respectively.

Mr. Kelly

In view of the long period, spreading over all those years, during which these men have been employed by the Admiralty, and during which we cannot find that there was any charge laid against them, why are they not informed now of what were the charges held by the Admiralty against them, seeing that other Departments of State have been informed?

Sir S. Hoare

I cannot add anything to what I said in the course of the Debate.

Mr. Paling

Is the same process of collecting information against possible offenders as was employed against these five men still in operation?

Sir S. Hoare

That is a different question.

Mr. Alexander

Are we to understand that the Board of Admiralty deal with a man of 36 years' service on the basis of a charge which prevents him from getting a job anywhere else?

Sir S. Hoare

The cases were fully discussed in the Debate, and the House came to a decision.

Lieut.-Commander Fletcher rose

Mr. Speaker

There are many more questions on the Paper.