§ 8. Mr. CHORLTONasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will ask the Japanese Government how 393 they reconcile the military occupation of Chahar and part of Suiyuan with their obligations under the Nine Power Treaty to respect the territorial integrity of China?
§ The SECRETARY of STATE for FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Mr. Eden)From such information as is at the disposal of His Majesty's Government, it would not appear that Japanese troops are in military occupation of Chahar or part of Suiyuan.
§ Mr. MANDERIs it not a fact that the Japanese Government have long ceased to be able to reconcile anything they do, with existing Treaty obligations?
§ Mr. HANNAHWhat about the Russians in Sinkiang and Outer Mongolia?
§ Mr. CHORLTONCan we have some particulars of the effect on textile imports into North China?