HC Deb 25 November 1936 vol 318 c392

asked the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence whether he intends to implement the suggestion of Mr. Malcolm Stewart in his latest report and set up machinery for the manufacture of calcium carbide in the Special Area of South-West Durham, where there is an abundance of excellent limestone and suitable coal, as well as large numbers of unemployed familiar with the work of quarrying and mining?


The suggestion referred to by the hon. Member was made in regard to South Wales. The question whether a calcium carbide works based on power derived from coal could economically be set up in a special or distressed area was one of the issues discussed in this House last Session on the Second Reading of the Caledonian Power Bill. I have been informed that the matter has been further considered by those interested but that they have not so far been able to modify their view that the use of hydro-electric power is necessary to the success of the scheme.


Will my hon. and gallant Friend impress upon the Minister that in these cases every effort should be made to give the work to the distressed areas and help the coal mining industry, rather than to ruin other good areas?