HC Deb 25 May 1936 vol 312 c1646

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to the disabilities which face importers resident in Tel Aviv who import goods via Jaffa, where there is only an open road and no adequate harbour; and whether, in view of the fact that this disability is leading to increased and unnecessary congestion at the port of Haifa, he will give early consideration, to the proposals for providing additional and adequate port accommodation at Tel Aviv itself?


It is a fact that conditions at the port of Jaffa have been unsatisfactory and that the difficulties are temporarily increased at the present time by the Arab strike. An extensive improvement scheme is expected to reach completion by the end of the current year and plans which have been prepared for a large extension of the accommodation at Haifa will be carried out as funds become available. There is no reason to suppose that the needs of the situation cannot be met by the improvements and extensions which are being carried out or are in contemplation at Jaffa and Haifa.