HC Deb 19 May 1936 vol 312 cc986-8

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that Charles Curries of Oakley, West Fife, was arrested and imprisoned for non-payment of rates; that after he had been in prison several days his son took on the responsibility for payment of his father's debt and thereby secured his release; that the amount originally owed for rates has now been paid by the son, but he is still being forced to pay a further sum for the maintenance of his father while in prison and for expenses incidental to his arrest; that the charge for prison accommodation is higher than the charge in the average hotel; and will he take steps to stop this additional charge?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

The records of the Prisons Department for Scotland show that Mr. Charles Currie was lodged in Edinburgh Prison on 4th November, 1935, for failure to pay rates due by him to the Fife County Council; that he was released on 20th November, 1935, on notification being received from the county clerk that satisfactory arrangements for making payment of arrears of rates had been made; and that the amount charged to the county council in respect of Mr. Currie's aliment while he was in prison was at the rate of 9d. per day. I have no further information as to these matters, and, as my right hon. Friend has already informed the hon. Member, he has no authority to intervene.


In view of the charge of 9d. per day by the prison authorities, can the hon. and gallant Gentleman explain why the local authority charged Currie over £5 for maintenance while in prison, and will the Department see that the son, who paid the original debt for rates, is entitled to refuse any further payment over and above the 9d. per day charged by the prison authorities?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

So far as the rate for maintenance is concerned, my information from the Prisons Department is that he was charged 9d. per day only.


Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that, while the local authority is charged 9d. per day by the prison authorities, it charges over £5 for the cost of Charles Currie's maintenance in prison?


Is it not the law of Scotland that the authority who puts the debtor into prison has to pay his maintenance, and not the debtor?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

I understand that the arrangement was made between the son and the local authority, and that these payments are being collected from him, but, as I have stated, it is not a matter in which ray right hon. Friend can intervene. If the hon. Member has any information to lay before me as regards the question of payment, I shall be glad to see it, but my information is that the prison authority charged at the rate of 9d. per day.