HC Deb 14 May 1936 vol 312 cc541-2
26. Mr. LEWIS

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he will consider the practicability and advisability of making a small charge for admission to the Victoria and Albert Museum on three week-days in each week and of keeping the museum open upon the three remaining free week-days until 8 p.m., the fees so received being used to defray, or to contribute in defraying, the additional cost of the extended hours of opening?


I have carefully considered my hon. Friend's suggestion; but I am afraid I do not see my way to adopt it. Students at present experience no difficulty in obtaining the requisite facilities for study, and past experience at the Museum suggests that the proposal would be likely to cause a much heavier restriction of atendances than would be compensated for by evening openings. I may add that the Royal Commission on Museums in 1929, after a careful review of all the circumstances, expressed themselves as strongly opposed to admission fees.


When the right hon. Gentleman refers to past experience, does he wish us to understand that this experiment has been tried before?


Yes, I think it has.